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Out with the old, in with the new: Two JJS Teachers will enter the new year with new credentials.


Last month two of our Infant/Toddler teachers received their Child Development Associate (CDA) certificates, again! Tree Frogs teacher Ana Colato and Hummingbirds Doris Garcia already held Pre-K certificates. Now they are certified to provide care and instruction in all JJS classrooms!

Here's what Ana said about the experience...

It wasn't easy. I work full-time and I have a family [that included] seven-month-old at the time the program began. I thought 'How can I finish? Can I finish?' But I did. On the day of the test, I arrived ten minutes late and very nervous. You only have one hour to complete the test. I took it then spent the whole day worrying that, maybe, I did not pass. The next day I received the email saying. 'Congratulations! You've passed. Here is your temporary certificate.' I was so relieved. The actual certificate came in the mail this week. I am thankful and I feel good because I did it!

Doris described the experience this way...

I am happy that I did it! It was a great experience. It was a challenge to get started last October because of the pandemic. Connecting with the program to enroll was not easy. I missed the first registration deadline. Jubilee JumpStart helped me get connected and enrolled. I was excited, but there was another challenge. The program was entirely remote. That meant I had to learn to use the technology to participate fully. It also made working on group assignments more difficult. But things got better and I finished. I received my certificate two weeks ago. It feels so good to be finished.

It feels so good to us, too! Of course, Jubilee JumpStart has always known how well-suited these two are to care for our children. Now they've got the paperwork to prove it. Congratulations Ana and Doris!

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